Your Future is our Foundation | Leaders in Hybrid Popcorn Research, Production and Customer Service
From the ground-breaking work of Dr. Bruce Ashman to the advances in performance that have occurred over the past thirty years under the direction of Dr. Max Robbins, Ag Alumni Seed's Director of Research, to the research underway by Dr. Fernando Enrique Cardenas and Pablo Vergani our Popcorn Breeding team, Ag Alumni Seed has established itself as the world's leading supplier of high performing, high quality popcorn hybrids that provide the different combinations of regional adaptation, maturity, disease resistance, yield, kernel size and popping expansion and other characteristics that the industry demands. Most of our seed is produced by our own highly experienced professional staff at our 2,600 acre facility near Romney, Indiana in the heart of the US Corn Belt. By producing our own seed, we ensure that we are growing and delivering the highest quality products possible. All of our seed lots are inspected, tested and certified to AOSCA (and as required ISTA) standards by an independent, ISO certified and USDA accredited agency. All popcorn seed lots have GMO free certification.